Friday, February 27, 2015

Sneak Peek: Chicago!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the February 2015 IL Bar Exam is behind me! Which means I can get back to doing some regular posting. 
I'm here in Chicago right now, doing some touristy stuff (and braving the Lake Effect). I'm staying in the most awesome hotel and so far I'm really enjoying myself. 
Today I finally made it back to the Shedd Aquarium and I have to say, I was impressed. Here's a little sneak peek of what I saw while at the aquarium, looks like he's waiting for another blog post too!


Monday, February 16, 2015

One Month 'til Dublin!!!

Hello everyone! Look what Fed Ex delivered today? (Did you know they delivered on Presidents' Day?!) It's my pre-departure package for my
Working Holiday in Ireland!!! I'm so excited to have my own Lonely Planet travel guide! Stay tuned for more updates as I prepare for my trip! 

Also, apologies if posts and tweets are a little sparse in the coming week, I take the Illinois Bar Exam on the 23 and 24! Wish me luck!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Ireland: I'm Coming Home!!!

St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

Well, I'm VERY excited to announce that I have applied for and been APPROVED (as of yesterday) to do a ONE YEAR Working Holiday in IRELAND!!! I will be departing the US in mid-March and living and working in Dublin for one year!!!

I'm so excited to be sharing this with you and I hope you all will follow me on my journey, right here. So stay tuned!!!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Travel Back Tuesday Photo! St. Paul's Cathedral

On the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral. This is by far my favorite place in London. 

Here I am on the very steps where Princess Diana emerged from her class coach on 29 July, 1981.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Memory Monday Photo! A Day in Dublin!

Taken just inside St. Stephen's Green in Dublin, Ireland after a day of shopping at Blanchardstown Centre.